So, I didn’t type out these instructions again (from Igpay) but it’s the same deal for all the assignments: you must tell me what works and doesn’t when you submit:
One of the following two things must be true for you to get any credit for this assignment. Either:
- your program must, to your knowledge, work perfectly in all aspects, or
- you explicitly tell me, in your submission email, exactly what doesn’t work about it.
In this latter case, you must prefix your explanation with the word WARNING!! and then give a concise but complete description of what your program does not do correctly. For instance, here’s a sample:
Dear Stephen, Please find attached my Program #1 submission. WARNING!! I could only get it to work for single-word inputs, not anything with punctuation or multiple words.
If your program contains bugs or errors that you don’t tell me about, you will receive a zero.
I won’t actually give you a zero this time, but I will direct you immediately to these instructions if you submitted a broken program and didn’t describe what was broken.