Quiz #2 clarification

A couple students asked a question about Item 9 on the quiz: why is the answer 5, not 4? The tables in question were PETS:

|        owner         |   dog    | numYears |
| Laura Ingalls Wilder | Jack     | 5        |
| Veronica Mars        | Backup   | 3        |
| Robert Barone        | Chamsky  | 9        |
| Laura Ingalls Wilder | Bandit   | 2        |
| Fourth Doctor        | K9       | 4        |
| Sarah Jane Smith     | K9       | 8        |
| Raj Koothrappali     | Cinnamon | 5        |
| Emily Elizabeth      | Clifford | 6        |


|            show             |      character       | debut |
| Little House on the Prairie | Laura Ingalls Wilder | 1974  |
| Clifford the Big Red Dog    | Emily Elizabeth      | 2000  |
| Doctor Who                  | Fourth Doctor        | 1974  |
| Doctor Who                  | Sarah Jane Smith     | 1973  |
| The Mandalorian             | Greef Karga          | 2019  |

The query in question was this:

select count(*) from pets join characters on owner=character;

The students asked, “why doesn’t this give you 4 rows, since table rows must be unique and therefore Laura Ingalls Wilder can’t appear twice?”

But realize that this query isn’t a “select owner” or “select distinct(owner)“; rather, it’s a “select *“. So therefore, you’re counting the entire number of rows returned by the join, not the number of distinct owner names (or any other attribute).

If you get rid of the count(*) and just use * to see the whole table of results, you get:

|        owner         |   dog    | numYears |            show             |      character       | debut |
| Laura Ingalls Wilder | Jack     | 5        | Little House on the Prairie | Laura Ingalls Wilder | 1974  |
| Laura Ingalls Wilder | Bandit   | 2        | Little House on the Prairie | Laura Ingalls Wilder | 1974  |
| Fourth Doctor        | K9       | 4        | Doctor Who                  | Fourth Doctor        | 1974  |
| Sarah Jane Smith     | K9       | 8        | Doctor Who                  | Sarah Jane Smith     | 1973  |
| Emily Elizabeth      | Clifford | 6        | Clifford the Big Red Dog    | Emily Elizabeth      | 2000  |

As you can see: 5 rows, with no duplicate rows.