Assignment #3 grading: special case

Several students (mis-)interpreted the assignment in the same way, which leads me to believe my directions weren’t clear on a certain point. If you were one of these students whose program messed up on this specific issue, you have a chance to update and resubmit it to me and I’ll regrade it.

The specific issue is: only allowing the user to buy tickets for a flight that has already been scheduled. To be clear, the desired behavior is: customers can buy tickets for any day’s flight (as long that day is in the future).

Example: the user chooses to buy tickets on Frontier 63 for Valentine’s Day 2025, in preparation for a romantic getaway. Your program should absolutely sell those tickets. To do so, it must be smart enough to figure out whether this customer is the first customer to purchase tickets for that particular day’s flight, and if so, insert a new row in the “scheduled_flights” (or whatever you called it) table to accommodate the purchase. (Future customers who also want 2/14/25’s Frontier 63 will not need an extra row inserted, since there will already be a row from this first customer.)

If this was your issue, please update your program with new git commit(s) to make it work this way, and send it to me as an email attachment with subject line “CPSC/DATA 350 Assignment #3 REsubmit” by midnight, Oct. 25th.