CPSC/DATA 350 — Applications of Databases — Spring 2025
Assignment #2
Possible experience: +40XP
Due: Thursday, Feb. 13, midnight
Creating an SQLite database
- Download SQLite3 for your
platform, if you don't already have it. (Note to Linux users: you can instead
install the version in your distro's repositories, a la "sudo apt-get
install sqlite3," but you may not get the most recent version of SQLite3
with the latest features that way). Look on the Download tab for "Pre-compiled
binaries" for your platform, and choose the option that begins "A bundle of
command-line tools..." not just the DLL.
- Take your conceptual model from assignment #1, make any corrections I noted
on your assignment (come see me if they aren't clear), and then convert it into
a relational database schema. This should be a set of tables, each of which has
a name, a set of attribute names and their domains, and one or more keys.
- Use SQLite to create a new database. The name of your database file should
be "yourumwid_airline.db". (Please do not name your file
anything else. Please do not omit the suffix, or change the capitalization, or
add/remove underscores, or do any other clever or creative things. Please call
it exactly yourumwid_airline.db, with your actual (lowercase) UMW
Net ID substituted for "yourumwid". Thanks. For instance,
"jsmith19_airline.db" is a suitable name.)
The way you will accomplish this is to open a command line, change to the
directory/folder you keep your class projects in, and type:
$ sqlite3 yourumwid_airline.db
("Command line" is a synonym for the terms "terminal" and "shell" in Linux/Mac,
and for "PowerShell" in Windows.) This should open up an interface to your new
SQLite database, accessible through the sqlite>
Pro tip: instead of typing everything interactively at the
sqlite> prompt, open an editor in which you type your
commands and save them. (Editors include vim, Notepad, Notepad++, Spyder, IDLE,
IntelliJ, NetBeans, and anything else that can write a plain text file). Save
the file that has your commands in it with a ".sql" extension (just a
suggestion), and put it in the same directory/folder as your
yourumwid_airline.db file. Then, whenever you want to execute
those commands in SQLite, type this at the SQLite prompt:
sqlite> .read yourCommandFile.sql
(Yes, that's a dot (".") before the word "read".)
Pro tip #2: you'll discover that if you try to create a new table with
the same name as an existing table, it (understandably) won't work. So in your
command file, it often makes sense to delete ("drop") the existing
table, if any, right before creating your new one. In other words:
CREATE TABLE myTableName ( ...
- Before proceeding, run your eyeballs over the following list of facts which
you will be inserting into your database. If any of them don't look like
they would "fit" in your schema, you must adjust your schema appropriately so
that they do "fit." The more your assignment #1 solution diverged from
correctness, the harder this adjustment will be. Please send email with
Here are the facts, ma'am:
- The Boeing 737 is a mid-sized aircraft that seats 189 passengers, can
fly up to 41,000 feet, and requires a runway of at least 4500 feet to take
off and land.
- The Airbus 320 is a revolutionary model that seats 150 passengers, can
fly up to 39,000 feet, and requires a runway of at least 4500 feet to take
off and land.
- The Boeing 747 is a jumbo aircraft that can seat a whopping 524
passengers, can fly up to 48,000 feet, and requires a runway of at least
6,000 feet to take off and land.
- The Cessna 414 ("Chancellor") is a small, twin-engine plane that seats
up to 8 passengers and can ascend to 30,800 feet. It requires a runway of a
little under 2,000 feet.
- Pilot Bob is certified to fly both the 747 and the Airbus.
- Pilot Suzie has been qualified to fly both Boeing aircraft, as well as the
- Pilot Stan is exclusively a Boeing 737 pilot.
- Ken is an aspiring pilot, who is busy studying for his piloting exams and
thus has not as of yet been certified on anything. He has ambitions
- Pilot Phyllis recently joined the United team, bringing with her years of
experience flying the Airbus 320, the Boeing 747, and the Boeing 737.
- Reagan National (DCA) is a small regional airport with three runways,
one of which (the one running due north) can be used for ILS approaches.
The headings and lengths are N (6869 feet), SE (5204 feet), and NE (4911
- Denver International Airport (DEN) has six operational runways, all of
them instrument equipped. One is 16,000 feet long at heading SSE; the
others are each 12,000 feet long, and are at headings NEE, E, SE, S, and
- Cleveland-Hopkins International Airport (CLE) has four runways, bearing
NE (9,000 feet in length), NEE (8,999 feet), NNE (7,096 feet), and SEE
(6,017 feet.) The first two of these support ILS.
- Ft. Lauderdale Airport (FLL) has three runways, one instrument-capable
long one (9,000 feet) running SEE, and two shorter runways, running
southeast (6930 feet) and east (one mile even.)
- Each operational aircraft has a unique AID (aircraft ID), similar to an
automobile's VIN number.
- A 2009 Airbus 320 with AID #1111 has a full tank (6,850 gallons) and 92,000
nautical miles. A sister aircraft, manufactured in the same year, is also in
daily operation; its AID is #1112 and has flown 86,000 miles. Its tank is also
full at the moment. Both aircraft are on the ground in Denver.
- Vehicle #2345 is a Boeing 737 aircraft that was produced in 2006, and
has flown for 486,000 miles. It fuel gauge reads nearly empty as it awaits
refueling at Cleveland-Hopkins International.
- American Airlines flight 1865 leaves from Reagan National every morning at
5:30am, touching ground in Denver at 10:54am. It uses Airbus 320 aircraft for
these daily journeys.
- AirBlue runs a quick half-hour shuttle flight (flight #101) from DCA to
Stafford Regional Airport (RMN) in Fredericksburg every afternoon at 1pm.
- American 4501 is a daily afternoon trip on a Boeing 737 from DCA to
Cleveland. It departs at 3:15pm and lands at 4:45.
- The 132 passengers on today's (Sep. 8th, 2024's) United flight 735 —
which departs daily at noon from Cleveland to Ft. Lauderdale — are
currently airborne. Suzie and Stan are the cockpit crew for this flight (the
pilot and co-pilot, respectively) and they are piloting the aircraft #5566.
They pulled out of Cleveland-Hopkins gate C-09, have 5000 gallons left in the
tank, and are on schedule for a timely arrival in Florida at 4:34pm. They have
reserved the east runway, and will pull into gate B46 after they land.
- Suzie has been assigned to pilot next Friday's (Sept. 17th, 2024's) AirBlue
101 flight. No co-pilot has yet been assigned, but an aircraft has: a brand new
Cessna 414 with AID #52982. It is rumored that Virginia gubernatorial candidate
Abigail Spanberger may be aboard this flight.
- United's #5566 aircraft is an old Boeing 737, having been manufactured in
1999 and flown about a million miles, with several superficial but ugly dents
in its exterior. It's set to be retired soon.
- According to ChatGPT, the fuel tank on a Boeing 737's and Boeing 747's can hold about 7,200 gallons.
Again, if you have trouble inserting any of these facts into your schema, it
probably means that your schema has an error and must be corrected! Adjust
the schema in light of the information the database is expected to hold,
and insert the facts. Come see me if you have problems or questions!
- Actually materialize your relational schema in this file, using CREATE
TABLE statements as described in class. To check your work, you can use
the .schema command. (Again, I recommend you put your commands in a
.sql text file and execute them with the .read command
instead of typing them all interactively.)
- Actually put all the above data into your database, using INSERT
INTO statements as described in class. To check your work, you can use
"SELECT * FROM tableName" commands. (Again, I recommend you put your
commands in a .sql text file and execute them with the .read
command instead of typing them all interactively.)
Note: in populating your database with the above facts, there are a few
places where you will not know what value to include in a database row. In
those instances, simply set the column's value to NULL for that row.
Do not use NULL for any situation in which you can deduce the
correct value, though.
- You can exit the SQLite command line at any time by typing ".quit"
at the sqlite> prompt. (Yes, that's a dot (".") before the
word "quit".)
Note: because all SQL statements must end with a semicolon
(";"), it can sometimes be frustrating to exit the SQLite command line
when you can't get it to recognize your ".quit" as a command. Often,
you just need to press the semicolon button followed by Enter (which will barf
because the stuff you just typed is malformed SQL, but never you mind), and
then you'll get a clean sqlite> prompt at which you can type
Turning it in
Send me an email with subject line "CPSC/DATA 350 Assignment #2
turn-in" with your .db file attached. (Double-check that it's
actually attached!) In the body of the email, tell me your favorite airplane
Getting help
Come to office hours, or send me email with subject line "CPSC/DATA 350
Assignment #2 help!!"