CPSC 350 - Applications of Databases - Fall 2024

Assignment #8

Possible experience: +40XP (or even higher)

Due: Friday, Nov. 22, midnight

The DB World Tour®, stop #3 of 4: MongoDB

In the third installment of your DB World Tour project, you'll add the next fourth of your website, backed by a MongoDB database.

Your topic and Assignment #8

Identify some different aspect of your assignment #6 & #7 topic that would lend itself well to what MongoDB provides: a schema-less (or "schema-flexible") structure. Every document it stores is ultimately a dictionary with key/value pairs, and the values can in turn be nested lists and/or dicts at your discretion.

As before, pick something interesting and non-trivial, but not exhaustive.

Mongo databases

Start by creating a Mongo database on the cpsc server using whatever name you choose, with your UMW Net ID as part of it. For instance, horses_jwilli28 and sdavis17db are both acceptable names.

A note about jerks

Don't be a jerk. Leave other people's databases alone, and only work in yours. You shouldn't change their data in any way, or even look at it. Nobody likes a nosy jerk.

Assignment #8 requirements

Your goal in this project is to integrate MongoDB into your master database tour website. I am very flexible as to how you do this. If you have a creative way to integrate MongoDB into your site that is different from what I've described below, absolutely do that instead of what I've outlined! Creativity is good. Only mimic what I have if you can't think of anything else creative.

The way my own website works is as follows:

  1. On the main page, I display an abbreviated list of the names of objects in your Mongo database. ("Name" just means "some identifiable, human-readable key." I use the title of the crime show episode in my example below. Substitute whatever is appropriate in your case.) I also show select other information where I feel this enhances the user experience (I include the name of the overall crime show, and also the season and episode numbers.)
  2. Immediately beneath this list I have a form in which the user can type key/value pairs and filter the list based on them. When the button is pressed, the page should refresh and display only documents that have that key/value pair as a top-level attribute.
  3. The names of the objects are hyperlinks, each of which will direct the user to an "edit page." On the edit page, the user can change the values of any of the fields (except the name), and press a "save changes" button to get those changes to persist in the Mongo database. After the button is pressed, the site redirects the user back to the main page, with a friendly "(name of object) updated successfully!" message.
  4. Alternatively, the user can instead interact with a separate form that allows him/her to add a new key/value pair to the object in question. The user is then be redirected back to the main page again.


Here's what my new assignment-#8-compatible landing page looks like (see bottom-left):

And here's my "edit" page for Mongo:

Turning it in

Send me an email with subject line "CPSC/DATA 350 Assignment #8 turn-in". In the body of the email, simply paste the link to your website.

Getting help

Come to office hours, or send me email with subject line "CPSC/DATA 350 Assignment #8 help!!"