CPSC 415 - Artificial Intelligence - Fall 2023
Program #0 — Python practice
Possible experience: +20XP
Due: Fri, Sept 1st, midnight
In this initial programming assignment, you'll get a little practice (or
refresher) programming in Python.
Installing Python
If you already have Python 3.10 or higher installed, you can use it.
(Type "python --version" at a command line to find out. Btw, "command
line" likely means "Power Shell" if you're a Windows user, "Terminal" if you're
a MacOS user, and "command line" or "terminal" if you're a Linux user like
If your Python is out of date or non-existent, you can download it for your operating
system and install it. I also heartily encourage the use of the enhanced IPython interactive
Learning Python
If you have already learned the non-object-oriented parts of Python, and
feel comfortable developing in it, you'll just need to learn how the OO aspects
work. That's sections 9.3 and 9.5 (and all subsections 9.3.*, 9.5.*) of the
tutorial, below.
If you've never used Python before, or you did long ago and have forgotten
everything, don't despair: it's a snap. Anyone who has made it through CPSC
110, 220, and 240, all with a C or better, is more than capable of picking up
Python as an additional language. (You'll do this picking-up-languages thing
often in your career, btw.)
There are tons of Python tutorials out there, but let's use the official one
(python.org) for which I'll give you some specific topics to focus on.
First, go to the tutorial
page, and make sure that the drop-down box at the top says at least
"3.10". Then, scroll down and read the following sections:
- 3
- 4—4.7.1 (but skip 4.4, yuck)
- 5.1 (but skip the subsections 5.1.1—5.1.4), 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,
and 5.7 (skip 5.8)
- 9.3 and 9.5 (and all subsections 9.3.*, 9.5.*)
- 10.5 and 10.6
- browse/skim the section on
random numbers
("Read" means "actually pay attention and read for understanding." You may
not want to attempt this all in one go. Injecting caffeine halfway through (or
at the ⅓ and ⅔ marks) can help. "Browse/skim" means "get a feel
for what's in there.")
Btw, I'm not discouraging you from reading any of the other tutorial
sections as well if you're interested. You could even make use of that material
in various projects this semester. The above is kind of a "must have" list,
though. If you know those sections, I think that's a minimally sufficient set
and you'll be good to go.
Supporting files
The file pythonpractice.py
contains a test scaffolding for this project.
It, together with the solution file you write yourself, will combine to verify
all your code and get you points.
Your mission
Your job in this assignment is to create a Python file called
yourumwid_pythonpractice.py in which you will create various
variables, classes, and functions as described in the Requirements section below. These can appear in
pretty much any order. Read all the instructions carefully as you work.
Getting started
Begin by copying the pythonpractice.py file to the directory/folder
you'd like to use for this homework. You can do that by
clicking/copying/pasting from the above, or by telling your browser to save the
file in the appropriate place, or, if you're using a decent command line, by
typing this command while in the directory you want to use:
$ wget http://stephendavies.org/cpsc415/pythonpractice.py
Then, use vim, Notepad++, Spyder, Eclipse, IDLE, or whatever other
editor you choose to create a file in your directory/folder (the one that has
pythonpractice.py in it) named yourumwid_pythonpractice.py.
(Please do not name your file anything else. Please do not omit the suffix,
or change the capitalization, or add/remove underscores, or do any other clever
or creative things. Please call it exactly
yourumwid_pythonpractice.py, with your actual (lowercase) UMW Net ID
substituted for "yourumwid". For instance,
"jsmith19_pythonpractice.py" is a correct name.)
Now, get the test framework to run. If you're running at the command line,
$ python3 pythonpractice.py yourumwnetid
If you're running in an IDE, execute whatever the "run" command is on that
IDE, making sure to specify yourumwnetid as a command-line
argument. (On Spyder, I happen to know you access this through
"Configuration per file..." from the "Run" menu, then check "Command-line
option" and type the argument in the little text box.)
Either way, make sure you get an output that looks something like this:
Variables incomplete or incorrect.
module 'yourumwid_pythonpractice' has no attribute 'YourumwidPythonPractice'
You've earned 0/20 points!
You are now ready to begin coding.
Add the following variables, classes, and functions in your
yourumwid_pythonpractice.py file, in any order:
- A variable called HAL whose value is the integer 9000.
- A variable named BB whose value is the string containing
only the digit 8.
- A variable called R2 whose value is a list with elements
D and 2, both strings.
- A variable called L whose value is a list with the element
3, an integer.
- A set called K which contains only the string 2SO.
- A list called C which contains only the string 3PO.
- A variable named WALL which is a list of one element. That
element is a set. The set contains one element: the string with the letter
- A set called Poppins that contains all the unique lower-case
letters from the string "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". (You
should do this intelligently, without sifting through the word and
manually computing all the duplicates by hand yourself.)
- A dictionary Galactica that contains the following key/value
pairs (all strings):
Key | Value |
Karl | Helo |
Kara | Starbuck |
Lee | Apollo |
- After creating your Galactica dictionary with the above three
key/value pairs, add code using the [] notation that adds the
following additional three key/value pairs to it:
Key | Value |
Sharon | Boomer |
Marge | Racetrack |
Louanne | Kat |
- A variable Germanna_levels that contains a list of the two strings
Freshman and Sophomore.
- A variable UMW_levels that contains a list of the four strings
Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and
- A variable MaryWash_levels which refers to the same list
that UMW_levels refers to.
- A variable CNU_levels which, although referring to a list with
the identical contents as the UMW_levels list, is nevertheless a
different list object.
- A class named YourumwidPythonPractice (with your actual
(first-letter-capitalized) UMW ID substituted, of course) that contains the
following methods:
- A one-argument method called plus2 that takes a numeric
argument and returns that argument added to the number 2.
- A method called gimme_dat_set that takes no arguments and
returns a set containing the strings Pris, Leon, and
Roy. Each time gimme_dat_set() is called, it should return
the same set object.
- A method called gimme_set_like_dat that takes no arguments
and returns a set containing the strings Neo, Morpheus, and
Trinity. Unlike gimme_dat_set(), every time
gimme_set_like_dat() is called it should return a different
set object (with the same contents).
- A method center that takes one argument, a string. If that
string is the empty string, center should return None. If
the argument has an odd number of letters, the method should return the one in
the exact middle. If the argument has an even number of letters (greater than
0), the method should a string with the two middle ones. (For example, calling
the method with the value "Optimus" should return the string
"i", whereas calling it with "Terminator" should return the
value "in".)
- A method nuke_last which takes two arguments, a list and an
item. The method should modify the passed list in place to remove the last
entry matching the element. If the item passed is not in the list, the method
should do nothing. (For example, if a variable "droids" has the value
[ 'R', 2, 'D', 2, 'C', 3, 'P', 'O' ]", then after calling the method
with droids and 2, the variable should have the contents
[ 'R', 2, 'D', 'C', 3, 'P', 'O' ]".) The method need return
- A function middlest that takes three (numeric) arguments, and
returns the value of the middle one in numerical order. (For example,
middlest(5,7,2) should return 5. In case of ties, do what's
- A function tack_on_end that takes three arguments, the last one
optional. Argument #1 is a list. Argument #2 may be either a list or an atomic
type (like a string or integer). The function should add either the elements
of argument #2, in order (if argument #2 is a list), or argument #2 itself (if
argument #2 is anything else) to the end of argument #1. It should do this a
number of times equal to the third argument, whose default value should be 1.
(For example, suppose a variable "colonies" has the value ['Caprica','Scorpia','Gemenon']. If
tack_on_end(colonies,['Aerelon','Libris']) is called,
colonies should then have the value ['Caprica','Scorpia','Gemenon','Aerelon','Libris']. Then, if
tack_on_end(colonies,'Aquaria',4]) is called,
colonies should have the value ['Caprica','Scorpia','Gemenon','Aerelon','Libris','Aquaria','Aquaria','Aquaria','Aquaria'].)
The function need return nothing.
- A function wondrous_count that takes one integer, and returns the
number of steps required to reach 1 from that number in a Collatz sequence.
The Collatz Conjecture (never yet proven) postulates the following. Take any
positive integer. If it is even, divide it in half. If it's odd, triple it and
add one. Keep doing this until you get the number 1. The Collatz Conjecture
hypothesizes that every number will eventually reach 1 this way.
(Examples: wondrous_count(1) should return 0,
wondrous_count(3) should return 7, and wondrous_count(16)
should return 4.)
- A function unique_vals that takes a dictionary and returns a list
(in any order) of the unique values of that dictionary. For instance,
should return the list ['cylon','human'] (or
- Lastly, a class named ProbabilityEngine that can compute the
probability of various events (sets of possible outcomes
in an uncertain situation) and generate simulated outcomes.
This class should operate as follows:
- It should maintain a dictionary of outcomes and their probabilities.
An outcome is simply a string, and a probability is a number between 0 and
- Its add_outcome argument can be called with two arguments: an
outcome, and a probability. These should be added to the dictionary.
- When its erase_outcomes method is called, it should forget
about any previously added outcomes.
- A compute_prob method will take an event as an
argument (note: an event is a set of outcomes) and return the
probability that an outcome in that event will occur. This is the sum of the
probabilities for each of the individual outcomes. Important: before computing
this, your method must normalize the probabilities by making sure they
all add up to exactly 1. If they don't, you should divide/multiply each of
them by whatever constant factor is necessary to make them add up to 1.
- Its generate_outcome method, which takes no argument, will
return one of the previously added outcomes, according to the probabilities
provided. (In other words, if there are two outcomes, 'man' with
probability .34 and 'woman' with probability .66, calling
generate_outcome() on the ProbabilityEngine object should
return the string 'man' about one-third of the time and
'woman' the other two-thirds.)
To help you understand how ProbabilityEngine is supposed to work,
walk through the following sample session:
>>> pe = ProbabilityEngine()
>>> pe.add_outcome('Democrat',31)
>>> pe.add_outcome('Republican',29)
>>> pe.add_outcome('Independent',36)
>>> pe.add_outcome('Green',2)
>>> pe.compute_prob(['Democrat','Green'])
>>> pe.compute_prob(['Republican','Democrat'])
>>> for _ in range(12):
>>> print(pe.generate_outcome())
When you run "python3 pythonpractice.py yourumwnetid", your score
will appear at the bottom of the output.
Turning it in
For this assignment, I just want your single Python file attached to an
email with subject line "CPSC 415 Program #0 turnin". Double-check to
make sure it's really attached!!
Getting help
Come to office hours, or send me email with subject line "CPSC 415
Program #0 help!!"