CPSC 415 - Artificial Intelligence - Fall 2023

Responsive Reading #3 — Trust

Possible experience: +20XP

Due: Friday, Nov. 3rd, midnight


Intelligently and efficiently read each of the following articles:

[1] D. Monroe, "Deceiving AI," Communications of the ACM, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 15-16, May 2021.

[2] N. Savage, "Catching the fakes," Communications of the ACM, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 13-14, Apr. 2021.

[3] J. M. Wing, "Trustworthy AI," Communications of the ACM, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 64-71, Sep. 2021.

(Just to prepare you, the third of these articles — by computer science legend Jeannette Wing of Carnegie-Mellon — is considerably longer than the first two.)


First, summarize each of the papers, in about ¼-page each for the first two and ½-page for the third.

Then, in about 1 page, answer the following question: "Do you think that AI technologies in the coming years will increase, or decrease, the level of trust that humans have in the systems and information they use?" Obviously, support your answer with compelling evidence. Draw material from the three papers, from the in-class news clips we read, and/or from our movie night discussions.

Accessing the articles

Quite a bit of your tuition money goes towards subscriptions that UMW purchases of academic and professional publications. The UMW Libraries site is your gateway to these. Dr. Arneson and her crew have made it super easy to access these: if you simply go to the main library landing page and type words into the box, you should find the droids you're looking for. (If you don't, click on the "Journals" tab and look up the journal in question. If you still have no luck, click "Chat now!" to text live with a UMW Research Librarian, or email the library asking for help. Their whole purpose in life is to help students like you, so expect a quick and friendly turnaround.)


Strive to be concise. It might not seem like you could say a lot in one page, but you actually can if you don't repeat yourself, and if you don't use many words where fewer words would say the same thing.

Avoid the wall of text phenomenon. Treat your paragraphs like you do functions/methods in a programming language: each one should do one thing, and one thing well. Write modularly.

Don't turn in your first draft. Write a first draft, walk away from it, come back the next day and re-read it, putting yourself in the mind of a new reader, not in the mind of the author. How does it read to you? Did you forget to say things that seemed obvious to you at the time of writing, but would not be obvious to a new reader? Are your arguments cogent? Is your writing concise? Revise frequently and tactically to improve your paper.

Can I go to the Writing Center for help?


Should I go to the Writing Center for help?

If you're asking this question, the answer is probably yes.

Turning it in

Stick your stapled response paper, with your name on it, in the "415" manilla envelope hanging outside my office door by the deadline. (I will not accept electronic copies, nor unstapled copies.)

Getting help

If you're having trouble understanding the articles, or would like to discuss them with me, come to office hours, or send me email with subject line "CPSC 415 Responsive Reading #3 help!!"