Welcome to SWYK check 2!
Time to show what y'all know!
Set up
Before continuing, verify each of the following:
- You have a partner, whose name you have memorized.
- The partners are sitting side by side with their laptops, and can both
easily see both screens.
- The director has a browser open to this page:
- The typist has two windows logged into the cpsc server.
- The typist has created a new, empty directory for this SWYK check.
- The typist has cd'd into that directory in both windows.
The typist should then perform the following commands to download the
template and test harness for this SWYK check:
- $ wget http://stephendavies.org/cpsc240/VendingMachine.java .
- $ wget http://stephendavies.org/cpsc240/Tester.java .
- $ wget http://stephendavies.org/cpsc240/junit.jar .
Then, if the typist doesn't already have them in their
.bash_profile, set up the following aliases in your right-most
- $ alias compile="javac -cp junit.jar:. *.java"
- $ alias runtests="java -jar junit.jar execute -c Tester -cp junit.jar:."
For this SWYK check, you can type compile in the right-most window
to compile your code, and runtests to run the tests against it.
The actual problem
For this problem, you are to write a class called VendingMachine
(spelled exactly that way, capitalized exactly that way) to represent the
sugar-laden machines on college campuses:
How it works
Here's how this style of vending machine works:
- It dispenses only two products: Dr. Pepper and Starbucks frappuccinos. The
former cost $1.25 each, and the latter, $8.00 each.
- When created, it is stocked with 8 Dr. Peppers and 6 Starbucks drinks.
- A customer can purchase an item by putting coins through the coin slot. For
this SWYK check we're not going to worry about the denominations of U.S.
coinage, or verifying that the amount inserted is that of a single coin. (The
user, in other words, can call a method to insert 57¢, even though there
is no 57¢-coin in circulation.) The user can, if they wish, continue to
insert more money as many times as they like before pressing a selection.
- When the user presses either "buy Dr. Pepper" or "buy Starbucks," the
operation will only work if they have inserted enough money before pressing it,
of course. (If not, an Exception will be thrown to show something went
- If the customer overpaid, they will get the appropriate change (as a return
value). All change is dispersed as soon as a purchase is made. In other
words, it's not possible for a customer to enter $2.50 and then press the "buy
Dr. Pepper" button twice to get two sodas. Instead, they would get one soda and
$1.25 in change. If they want their second soda, they'll have to reinsert their
change first.
- If the machine is empty (of the type of drink the user requested)
an Exception will be thrown to show something went wrong.
- If the user enters money but then changes their mind, they can press a
cancel button to get it all back.
Remember: throughout this SWYK check, you do
not have to worry about the exact types of coins that exist in customer's
wallets and in the machine. Just treat amounts as doubles and add/subtract them
as necessary. It's perfectly valid to add $1.13 worth of money all in one go,
for example, even though there is no 113¢-coin.
The requirements
Instance variables
Your VendingMachine class should probably have instance variables.
It's up to you to decide what they are.
Your VendingMachine class must have the following methods. You
should use the VendingMachine.java template file as a starting point,
which has the beginnings of each of these:
- A constructor that takes no arguments and instantiates a new, fully-stocked
VendingMachine object.
- An .insertMoney() method that takes a double, and adds that amount
of money to the customer's credit. .insertMoney() can be called any
number of times to insert additional funds before making a purchase.
- A .cancel() method that will take all the inserted money and
simply refund it to the customer.
- A .buyDrPepper() method that will attempt to buy a Dr. Pepper. It
will return the amount of change after making this $1.25 purchase.
If there are no more Dr Peppers in the machine, or if the user hasn't inserted
enough money, this method should throw an Exception instead of returning.
- A .buyStarbucks() method that will attempt to buy a Starbucks
drink. It will return the amount of change after making this $8.00 purchase.
If there are no more Starbucks in the machine, or if the user hasn't inserted
enough money, this method should throw an Exception instead of returning.
- A .refill() method that will reset the vending machine to its
original state: 8 Dr. Peppers, 6 Starbucks, and no internal cash. The method
will return the amount of money (in dollars) that the vending machine man
retrieves from the machine when he comes to do the refill. (How much money
is that, exactly? However much people have spent on vending machine drinks
since the last time he refilled the machine, of course.)
Compiling your code
Don't forget to compile your code (using the "compile" alias
defined above) every time you write (save) a change in vim! Otherwise
your changes will not be reflected in what's executed when you
Running your code
Executing the "runtests" alias will trigger the entire test suite. To
get full credit for the SWYK check, you must pass all the test
cases. When you do, you're done! Until then, continue to study your error
messages and your code, and make the vending machine work properly.
Running your own main()
It is absolutely permissible (and a good idea, actually) to create your own
main() method in the VendingMachine class, and use it to experiment
with your own client code. Recall that it must look like this:
class VendingMachine {
...possibly other stuff...
public static void main(String args[]) {
...Your client code that fiddles around with VendingMachine objects...
...possibly other stuff...
and that to run it, you would type:
$ java VendingMachine
Turning it in
When you have completed your class and gotten all the test cases to pass, do
the following:
- Wave me over so I can look at y'all's screen and then give y'all a
fist bump.
- Download your VendingMachine.java code to your laptop (using Filezilla
or any other method you choose) and then send it as an email attachment to both (1)
cpsc240submissions@gmail.com and (2) the partner whose laptop is not
being used for this assignment. The subject line of this email should be
"SWYK check 2 turn-in".
If you can't get all the test cases before time's up, don't despair, but do
perform step #2, above.